Thematic Essays by Katy Deepwell

Art Critic, Art Historian. London






Feminist Art Manifestos

‘Declare! Speak Out! Shout! Denounce! Decry! About Feminist Art Manifestos’ for exhibition Empowerment: Art and Feminisms, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany (Summer, 2022) Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb). Publication (edited by Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch and Uta Ruhkamp) (Text German/English pp.124-129)


‘Negotiations: Feminist Art Manifestos’ in Katy Deepwell (ed) 50 Feminist Art Manifestos (KT press, 2022) ISBN: 9780992693466 (EPUB: ISBN: 9780992693459). 168 pages, includes text of 50 feminist art manifestos from 1965-present, with 3,000 word introduction and notes on each manifesto by KD.


‘On feminist art manifestos’ Cambridge Literary Review, no. 11 (2018) pp.121-132;


‘Introduction’ in Katy Deepwell (ed) Feminist Art Manifestos: An Anthology (KT press, ebook, 2014) ISBN: 978-0-9926934-3-5 132 pages, 35 feminist art manifestos from 1969-present, with 3,000 word introduction by KD. Revised and extended to 50 manifestos in 2022 edition. (developed initially for
2011 Feminist art seminar, ICA, London and kept updated since as a resource list).

Torture/Violence against women

‘Against the Torture of Women: women artists and the limits of representations’ in
Basia Sliwinska (ed) Contemporary Transnational Feminist Visual Activism and Gender-Based Violence (Routledge, 2025)

  Special issue of n.paradoxa Violence vol 21, Jan 2008

‘What does it mean to think as a Feminist?’ in Sanja Ivekovic's Frauenhaus (Zagreb: Museum of Contemporary Art, March 2003). 5 pages, no page numbers. (Text in Croatian and English). (republished, revised version, Afterall, 15, Spring/Summer 2007)


'Torture, Gender and Representation: Against the Torture of Women' Art of Tortures and Execution - Art Against Tortures and Execution (Open Social Network Art Project, National Centre of Contemporary Art, Kaliningrad, 2002) pp.20-35.



‘Feminism and Religious Art: Overview’ Oxford Religious Encyclopedia (online, Oxford University Press, 2025)


‘Monica Sjöö’s konst, liv och tankar’ (Monica Sjöö’s art, life and writing) Paletten #330 Dec 2022 pp.42-52. Published in Swedish and posted in English (March 2023).


‘Witches, Feminist representations in contemporary art and Misogyny’ Pomegranate: International Pagan Journal (Equinox Publishing) published 2020; Vol 21, No 2 (2019) pp. 146-171. ISSN 1528-0268 [Article] ( )

  Special issue of n.paradoxa on Religion vol 33, Jan 2014
African Art Criticism

‘Art Criticism and Africa: AICA Conference at the Courtauld Institute, London, 1996’ in Jean-Marc Poinsot and Henry Meyric Hughes (eds) A Celebration of AICA’s 70th Anniversary / Une Célébration du 70ème anniversaire de l’AICA: 1949-50 – 2019-20. The Histories of AICA, continued (online publication on AICA International website, 25 September 2019.


‘Bisi Silva: a tribute – Passages’ Art Forum online (USA) (Feb 2019)


‘Reading in Detail: the work of the Nigerian woman sculptor, Ndidi Dike Nnadiekwe’ Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art (America), No. 2, Fall 1996.pp.40-43.

  co-edited with Bisi Silva, Special issue of n.paradoxa Africa and Its Diasporas, vol 31, Jan 2013
  (ed) Art Criticism and Africa (EAP/Saffron Press, 1997)
Feminist Curating

‘Issues in Feminist Curation: Strategies and Practices’ in Janet Marstine (ed) An Introduction to New Museum Theory (USA: Blackwells, 2006) ISBN:1-4051-0558-5 pp.64-84.

  co-edited with Renee Baert, Special issue of n.paradoxa Curating Strategies vol 18, July 2006

'Women's Art Exhibitions' From my Fingers: Living in the Technological Age. Key Event of the First International Women’s Art Festival in Taiwan. (Taiwan: Kaohisung Museum of Fine Arts, May 8-July 27 2003) (English text pp. 46-51: Chinese, pp.40-45). Organised by the Association of Women Artists and Elsa Chen.


'Curating Feminist Histories' in Power Ekroth, Tove Helander (eds) Expositioner: Antologi On Utstallningsmediet: The Exhibition as an Artistic Medium  Stockholm: Konstfack, 2000 published for the Sollentuna Art Fair, Stockholm. (March, 2000) ISBN: 911-630-9243-4 pp.88-96.

Work/Labour/Love ‘Work/Labour’ Art Gamadas Vol 5 (Japan: Kumamoto, CAMK) 2005.4 – 2006.3 (2007) pp.479-489

‘Work/Labour’ for catalogue ‘Arbeit/ Work’ curated by Sylvia Eiblmayr
Innsbruck: Galerie im Taxispalais, June 2005.
Exhibition toured to Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork and Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast in 2006.


'Valuation – De-valuation – Re-evaluation' in Julia Schäfer (ed. and curator) Trautes Heim/ Cosy Home Leipzig: Galerie für Zeitgenossiche Kunst, published by Walter Konig Books, 2005.


'Reality/Real Estate' pp. 37-42 ‘Parallel and Plural Narratives’ Reality/Real (E)State (Bratislava : Soros Centre, August 2001). pp.77-88


All You Need is Love essay for group exhibition catalogue. Gdansk, Poland: Bathhouse. (May 2000) Curator: Aneta Szylak.

Feminism and Painting

‘Claims for a Feminist Politics in Painting’ in Anne Ring Petersen (et al, eds.) Contemporary Painting in Context (University of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation/ Museum Tusculaneum Press, 2009) pp.139-160

  ‘Women, Representation and Speculations on the End of History ’Painting’
for N.Green and P.Seddon (ed) History Painting Reassessed (Manchester University Press, October, 2000) ISBN: 0-7190-5168-1 pp.131-148.

‘Paint Stripping: Feminist Possibilities in Painting After Modernism’  Women’s Art Magazine No.58 May/June 1994 pp.14-17.
Reprinted in Hilary Robinson Feminism-Art-Theory: An Anthology, 1968-2001 (Blackwells, 2001).

  'In Defence of the Indefensible: Feminism, Painting and Postmodernism' Feminist Art News, Sept 1987 Vol.2.No.4 pp.13-15. Also guest editor of this issue. Feminist Art News (UK) Special issue, ‘Women Painting Today’ (1987).
Feminist Art Histories

‘Dentro y contra la latusa: la problemática de las mujeres artistas en las historias del arte / In and Against the lathouse: the problematic for women artists in art histories’ in Carmen Cortés-Zaborras, Concepción Cortés Zulueta, Javier Cuevas Del Barrio. (ed) Yo somos otras: Prácticas de la subjetividad en la creación contemporánea (Universidad de Granada, 2022) ISBN: 978-84-338-6854-1 (Spanish text) pp.23-56.


‘Feminist Collaborative Projects in the UK in the 1970s’ in Katy Deepwell and Agata Jakubowska (eds) All-Women Art Spaces in Europe in the Long 1970s (Liverpool University Press, 2018) ISBN: 978-1-78694-058-2.


‘Defining the problem: women artists, feminism and globalisation’ in Celebrating International Women’s Day (8 March): Feminism: from avant-garde to present day (Moscow: Manezh Museum and The Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Museum in Moscow, March-May 2013) Curator(s): Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Olesya Turkina, Marina Loshak


‘Mehr also sieben dringender Fragen zum Feminismus’ in Gisela Weimann (ed.) Geteilte Zeit: Fragen und Antworten (Weimar, Edition Eselsweg, 2008). Text in German and English. pp.237-243. Republished as ‘More than seven urgent questions for feminism’ online in English in n.paradoxa issue 20, April 2008.


‘Feminist Models: Now and in the Future’ in It’s Time for Action (There’s No Option) About Feminism Migros Museum (Zurich/ JRP Ringier Kunstverlag, 2007) German pp.43-63, English pp.190-208.


‘Musing on Myths’ Paletten (Sweden) 253/254 nr 3-4 2003 vol. 64 pp.48-51 (text in Swedish)

  'Negotiating Models of Feminist Research'  Art History Vol. 21 No. 3, September 1998 pp.436-440
Asian Women Artists Special issue of n.paradoxa, Trans-Asia, vol.29, 2012
  ‘Self and Other in Late Consumer Capitalism’ in SELF and OTHER: Portraits from Asia and Europe touring exhibition in Japan and Europe 2008-2009 Curators: Kenjo Yoshida and Brian Durrans. Japanese pp.125-123. English pp.304-306.
  ‘On Women Artists and Feminist Analysis’ C-arts Mag: Asian Contemporary Art and Culture (Singapore) August 2009. Introductory essay for special report on Asian women artists, also guest editor of this issue commissioning 12 writers from across Asia. pp.6-8. Report, pp.6-60.

'Women's Art Exhibitions' From my Fingers: Living in the Technological Age. Key Event of the First International Women’s Art Festival in Taiwan. (Taiwan: Kaohisung Museum of Fine Arts, May 8-July 27 2003) (English text pp. 46-51: Chinese, pp.40-45). Organised by the Association of Women Artists and Elsa Chen.


‘Text and Subtexts’ Binghui Huangfu (ed) Text and Subtext: Contemporary Art and Asian Women Earl-Lu Gallery, Lasalle-SIA College of Arts, Singapore. Book for International Touring Exhibition of Contemporary Asian Women Artists. Curator: Binghui Huangfu. (June, 2000) ISBN: 981-04-2718-2  pp.33-41.

Women and new media + performance ‘Feminist contributions to artworks in Slide-Tape’ in Mo White (ed) Slide-Tape (UK: Vivid Projects, 2018)
  'Jane Prophet's Imaginary Organs of a Cyborg' n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal vol.15 (Jan 2005) Scientific Ethics/Aesthetics

'Desire by Design' AICA 1998 conference papers. Transition: Changing Society and Art (Tokyo: AICA, Japan & AICA Press,1999)

  Special issue of n.paradoxa Women and New Media vol.2 July 1998

‘Digital Sampling: women artists' use of technology in Europe, America, Australia’ Edgecutters Women’s Research Group Desire by Design (London: I.B.Tauris, 1998). ISBN 1-86064-280-2 pp. 77-93.


‘Pains and Pleasures: Women's Performance and Body Art in the 1990's’ Contemporary Visual Arts Spring 1997. Issue 14. pp.38-43


'Sassy or Not: Women’s Body Art’ Siksi: the Nordic Arts Review, (Stockholm) Vol X1, No.4 Winter 1996. 1997 pp.88-90 and follow-up to debate by Kristine Stiles, Laura Cottingham, Tania Orum, with concluding statement by Katy Deepwell in Siksi Vol.XII, No.4 Winter 1997 pp.88-89. Republished in Russian in anthology (2005).


Problems with identity politics


‘Identity/Alterity re-de-constructed in Repetition and Difference: Verdi Yahooda’ for Art History
Special issue on Remapping British Art: Three Moments of Modernism. Vol 44, issue 3. June, 2021. pp. 554-571. Guest editors: Sonia Boyce and Dorothy Price.


 ‘Thinking/acting with tactics of displacement’ in/about Su Alonso and Ines Marful RE-ACTION, una ginología artística contra el canon Exhibition Catalogue, published after exhibition 2015 Sala LAUDEO, Universidad de Oviedo (2015)

‘Self and Other in Late Consumer Capitalism’ in SELF and OTHER: Portraits from Asia and Europe touring exhibition in Japan and Europe 2008-2009 Curators: Kenjo Yoshida and Brian Durrans. Japanese pp.125-123. English pp.304-306.


‘Contested Constructions: Objects into Subjects – and the Shifting Boundaries of Female Feminist Subjects’ in Mennesket: Et halvt arhundrede set gennem kroppen Copenhagen: Arken Museum of Modern Art. Curator: Stine Hoholt. A major international exhibition. (September, 2000) pp.45-60, (English pp.198-209).


'Readings of the Jewish Artist in Late Modernism: Kitaj and Rothko' (co-written with Juliet Steyn), Art Monthly, No.113 Feb 1988 pp.6-9