Books by Katy Deepwell


Art Critic, London






Edited Books


De-/Anti-/Post-colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Craft
(KT press, supported by Middlesex University)
ISBN: 978-0-9926934-7-3.
edited and introduced by Katy Deepwell,
11 essays from online seminars held in June 2022
181 Pages. September 2023. 2023


50 Feminist Art Manifestos (KT press, 2022) ISBN: 9780992693466 (EPUB: ISBN: 9780992693459).
50 feminist art manifestos from 1965-present,
168 pages with 3,000 word introduction and notes on each manifesto by KD.


Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms (Netherlands: Valiz, published March 2020) ISBN: 978-94-92095-72-5
This anthology of 33 chapters arose from contributors to the conference of the same name
organised by Katy Deepwell in July 2018 at Middlesex University with the Create/Feminisms cluster.
As well as organising the conference, I edited the book and
wrote an extensive introduction on the relationship between art, politics and activism.

Book review: Anna Piggott on Feminist Art Library Website
Amy Tobin 'Feminism, Art and Revolution' in Burlington Contemporary (30.40.2021)


(co-edited with Agata Jakubowska) All-Women Art Spaces in Europe in the Long 1970s
(Liverpool University Press, 2018) ISBN: 978-1-78694-058-2.
Chapter and joint introduction by KD.  285 pages, 40 illustrations.
For this book, I co-edited chapters, wrote a joint introduction and one chapter.

see Katy Deepwell - On the Legacy of Art and Feminism in the 1970s, Liverpool University Press Blog

Feminist Art Manifestos: An Anthology (KT press, ebook, 2014) ISBN: 978-0-9926934-3-5
132 pages, 35 feminist art manifestos from 1969-present, with 3,000 word introduction by KD.
Revised and extended to 50 manifestos in 2022 edition.


(co-edited with Mila Bredikhina) The Gender, Theory and Art Anthology: 1970-2000 [English title of Russian book]
(Moscow: Rosspen Publishing House, 2005) Gendernaia teoriia i iskusstvo. Antologiia:: 1970 – 2000
ISBN: 5-8243-0595-1, 587 pages, no illustrations. Translation of 27 texts from English/ French/ German to Russian
supported by Women’s Committee, Open Society, Soros Foundation, Moscow.
Each text has a 300 word introduction by KD.


Women Artists and Modernism (Manchester University Press, June, 1998). 
ISBN 0-7190-5082-0. 150 pp. 11 essays
An anthology of 11 new essays on women artists in the twentieth century, focusing on different
approaches to feminist methods in art history.  Chapter: 'Barbara Hepworth and her Critics' plus introduction by editor

Book reviews: Dorothy Rowe 'Women Artists and the Limits of Modernist Art History'
Art History, Volume 23, Issue1, March 2000
Marilynn Lincoln Board in Woman's Art Journal Vol. 21, No. 2 (Autumn, 2000 - Winter, 2001), pp. 53-56


Art Criticism and Africa

(Saffron Books, July 1997) ISBN 1-872843-13-1
100pp.13 essays plus introduction by editor
An anthology of essays from writers based in South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Egypt
from the 1996 ‘Art Criticism and Africa’ AICA conference at the Courtauld Institute, 1996
Book review: ArtThrob, Zimbabwe, December 1998
Read historical overview
Katy Deepwell, Art Criticism and Africa: AICA conference at the Courtauld Institute, London, 1996
written in September 2019, for AICA

cover cover

New Feminist Art Criticism: Critical Strategies
(Manchester University Press, 1995) ISBN 0-7190-4258-5
201 pp.  (Second edition, 1996, Third edition, 1998)
This book emerged from a feminist conference on art criticism that I had organised
for Women’s Art Library, to celebrate their first 10 years, when I was chair of their Trustees.

Nueva Critica Feminista de Arte
(Universidad de Valencia, 1998). ISBN 84-376-1632-8
This is the Spanish Edition of New Feminist Art Criticism: Critical Strategies.

Book Reviews: Caroline Stevens in RACAR/XXII, 1-2 /1995
Peg Brand in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 55, Issue 3, Summer 1997, Pages 344–345,
Larry J. DuBose in Journal of American Culture; Bowling Green Vol. 19, Iss. 3, (Fall 1996): 129-130.

Sole-Authored Books


Women Artists Between the Wars: ‘A Fair Field and No Favour’ (Manchester University Press, 2010)
ISBN 978-0-7190-8080-7. 355 pages, 121 illustrations, 4 tables.
The book is based on my PhD and detailed archival and library research.
It was completed during a Leverhulme scholarship, 2008-2009
published with a grant from the Paul Mellon Foundation

Book review: Adrian Clark in 20th Century British and Irish Art


Dialogues: Women Artists from Ireland. (London: IB Tauris, 2005). ISBN 1-85043-621-5. 195 pages, 346 illustrations.
A collection of in-depth interviews with 16 contemporary women artists working or born in both
Northern Ireland and Eire but living in Europe, America, UK and Eire, reviewing 10 years of their work in preceding years.
This book arises from conversations with the artists in their studios.
This project began during a residency at IMMA, Dublin.
It is funded by Arts Council of England and University of Ulster.

Reviews: Patricia Briggs in Woman's Art Journal, 2006, Vol 27, Issue 2, p65
Suzanna Chan in Art History, Volume 30, Issue 5, November 2007, Pages 782–785,
Sheila Dickinson in Circa No. 111. 2004 (Dublin) ISSN 02639475


Ten Decades: The Careers of Ten Women Artists born 1897-1906
Exhibition Catalogue of Arts Council Touring Exhibition, Norwich Gallery, NIAD,
April 1992, ISBN 1-872482-05-8 (Exhibition Tour 1992: Morley College, London & Howard Gardens Gallery, CIAD)
Exhibition formed part of the ‘Marginalisation & Alienation’ series.
(10,000 word catalogue essay by Katy Deepwell, plus biographies, drawn from her PhD research)