Texts on/about Feminist Art Criticism
by Katy Deepwell


Art Critic, London






These essays review feminist art criticism as an area of research, a part of contemporary art's histories
and examine how configurations of globalisation and global contemporary art appear within them.


‘Feminism’ in Christopher Balme, Burcu Dogramaci & Roland Wenzlhuemer (eds.) Dis:connectivity in Processes of Globalisation: Concepts, Terms and Practices Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, LMU Munich, forthcoming, 2025

2024/2025 ‘Platforms and networks: reflections on feminist art criticism and the work of n.paradoxa (1998-2017)’ for Sophia Valeria Holzmann, Isabel Mehl et al, Social Figure of the Woman Art Critic (Bochum Symposium) forthcoming, 2024-2025
2024 ‘Corrections, Interrogations and politics of local/global exchanges in feminist art criticism’ Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (Brazil). Guest Editor, Talita Trizoli. special issue on Feminisms. (87/ 2024). https://www.scielo.br/j/rieb/a/VtmC6xhFznsLTwSLhFSDDSp/
2023 ‘Inter-related and Divergent Paths’in Katy Deepwell (ed) De-/Anti-/Post-colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Craft (KT press, 2023, supported by Middlesex University)ISBN: 978-0-9926934-7-3.
2023 ‘The politics and aesthetic choices of feminist art criticism’ Arts (MDPI) 12(2) 47(March 2023).Special issue on Beyond/Around Feminist Aesthetics. Also Guest Editor. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/arts/special_issues/ around_beyond_feminist_aesthetics
2020 ‘Introduction’ to Katy Deepwell (ed) Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms (Netherlands: Valiz, published March 2020) ISBN: 978-94-92095-72-5
2020 ‘Art Criticism and the State of Feminist Art Criticism’ Arts (MDPI journal) Special Issue on ‘State of Art Criticism’, Feb 2020. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0752/9/1/28/pdf
2020 ‘Pourquoi 1989? Ecrire sur le feminisme, l’art et le “contemporain global”/‘Why 1989? Writing about feminism, art and “the global contemporary”’ in Elvan Zabunyan et al, Constellations Subjectivités. Pour une Histoire Féministes de L'Art (France: éditions iXe, 2020) pp.64-85.
ISBN: 979-10-90032-51-1, following conference (University of Rennes II, 8-10 April 2015)
2015 ‘Feminist Critique: Open and Critical Enquiry: A Conversation between Katy Deepwell and Suzana Milevska’ in Spaces for Criticism (eds. Pascal Gielen, Thijs Lijster, Suzana Milevska, Ruth Sonderegger) (Amsterdam: Valiz publishers, 2015) ISBN: 978-90-78088-75-2 pp.171-192.
2014 ‘Feminist problematic(s) in Contemporary Art’ Arta: Revista de arte vizuale (Bucharest) Nr. 11, 2014 Feminisme/Feminisms pp.8-10.
2014 ‘Other’ and ‘Not-All’, Rethinking the Place of the woman artist in ‘Contemporary Art’ Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo: Art Global Age Vol 2, No 1 (2014) online journal, University of Barcelona: http://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/REGAC/article/view/10253
2011 'Questioning the gender order: feminist interventions in aesthetics and cultural politics' Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates 3 (Vitoria-Gasteiz: Centro Cultural Montehermoso, 2011) Basque, pp.30-42; Spanish pp.150-164; English, pp.270-282.
2011 ‘Can a journal act as a site of feminist resistance?’ TRECA (Croatian women’s studies special issue) vol XIII / no.2 (December 2011) Croatian, pp.105-114
2009 ‘Claims for a Feminist Politics in Painting’ in Anne Ring Petersen (et al, eds.) Contemporary Painting in Context (University of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation/ Museum Tusculaneum Press, 2009) pp.139-160
2009 ‘Equal but different: questions about rights, statistics and feminist strategies for change’ Frauenkunstwissenschaft (Germany) (August 2009) English, pp.9-27
2009 ‘On Women Artists and Feminist Analysis’ C-arts Mag: Asian Contemporary Art and Culture (Singapore) August 2009. Introductory essay for special report on Asian women artists, also guest editor of this issue commissioning 12 writers from across Asia. pp.6-8. Report, pp.6-60.
2008 ‘Cooling out on Post-Feminism’ in Sabine Schaschl, Bettina Steinbrugge, and Rene Zechlin (eds) Cooling Out – On the Paradox of Feminism (Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2008) (English, pp.74-83, German pp.248-257)
2008 ‘Art Criticism: A feminist response’ in James Elkins (ed) The State of Art Criticism (Routledge, Cork University Press, 2008) pp.237-241
2007 ‘Katy Deepwell and Judy Freya Sibayan in conversation on ‘Regendering Documenta’ at Documenta XII, part of the Documenta XII magazine project talks’ CTRL+ P (2007)

‘Issues in Feminist Curation: Strategies and Practices’ in Janet Marstine (ed) An Introduction to New Museum Theory (USA: Blackwells, 2006) ISBN:1-4051-0558-5 pp.64-84.

2004 'Women Artists in Europe' Jamini: An International Arts Quarterly (Dhaka, Bangladesh), October 2004 (republished in Likovne Besede/ Artwords (Slovenia) vol.69/70 winter 2004 pp.32-36).
2003 'Challenging the Indifference to Difference: The Invention of Feminist Art Criticism' The Sandwich Man (The Netherlands) June 2003
2003 'Warum is eine feministische Kunstzeitschrift immer noch notwendig? (Why is a feminist journal not redundant?') Olympe: Feministische Arbeitschefte zur Politik (Switzerland) Heft. 19 December 2003 pp.134-135. (text in German)
2002 'Défier l'indifférence a la différence: les paradoxes de la critique d'art féministe' in Pierre-Henry Frangne & Jean-Marc Poinsot (eds) L'Invention de Critique D'Art (France: Presses Universitaries de Rennes, 2002, text in French) ISBN: 2-86847-660-0 pp.191-205.
2002 ‘Geo-political shifts, Women Artists and impact of models of Globalisation in contemporary art.’ pH (Kalinigrad, Russia) Post-Geography (2002) pp. 22-29 (text in English/Russian)
2001 ‘Paradoxes in Contemporary Feminism & the role of the feminist art critic’ D’ART (Bratislava) Feb 2001. (Trans. to Slovak).
2001 Entry on ‘Feminist Art Practice’ for Dale Spender (ed) Encyclopedia of Women’s Studies (New York: Routledge, 2001)
1998 'Orthodoxies and Paradoxes in Feminist Art' Women and Art, papers from 1997 conference, (CCA Galleries, Glasgow,1998).
1998 'Negotiating Models of Feminist Research' Art History Vol. 21 No. 3, September 1998 pp.436-440
1998 'Feminist Aesthetics in an International Frame' n.paradoxa vol 1, Jan 1998.

‘Introduction’ to Katy Deepwell (ed) New Feminist Art Criticism: Critical Strategies (Manchester University Press, 1995) ISBN 0-7190-4258-5 201 pp.  (Second edition, 1996, Third edition, 1998). Nueva Critica Feminista de Arte (Universidad de Valencia, 1998). ISBN 84-376-1632-8 This is the Spanish Edition of New Feminist Art Criticism: Critical Strategies.

1992 'Time Ladies: Feminist Art Criticism into the 1990's' Women's Art Magazine,No.46 May/June 1992 pp.7-8