Katy Deepwell, Teaching

Art Critic, Art Historian. London







Visit nparadoxa.com to follow the 10 lessons of this MOOC, written in the form of a DOCC, by Katy Deepwell. These lessons use the resources of the internet and The Feminist Art Observatory at KT press.

A DOCC, defined by FEMTECHNET, Recognizes and engages expertise DISTRIBUTED throughout a network; Affirms that there are many ways and methods of LEARNING; Embodies COLLABORATIVE peer-to-peer communication modes and learning activities; Respects DIVERSITY, SPECIFICITY, and DIFFERENCES among people and in bandwidth across networks; Encourages the collaborative creation of an HISTORICAL archive. Enacts a collaborative EXPERIMENT in the use of online pedagogies.

This course is open access and free to view.


Visit the second MOOC, designed by Katy Deepwell, on the subject of Feminist Art Manifestos, offering six lessons in the form of a DOCC. This MOOC is based on the book, Katy Deepwell (ed) 50 Feminist Art Manifestos (KT press, 2021).

This course is open access and free to view.


For more information:
Katy Deepwell's essay 'n.paradoxa’s MOOC (mass open online course): A case study in feminist online pedagogies’ for Gail Crimmins (ed) Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy : Higher Education, Gender and Neoliberalism (Series: Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education, 2019) ISBN: 978-3-030-04851-8

  Katy Deepwell ‘Online Moocs on art and feminism’, AD Magazine (NSEAD), ISSN 2046-3138, Summer 2021, Issue 31.
  Woman Up! Podcast Episode 10: Katy Deepwell
  Review of MOOCs: Giuntini, Parme; Anne Swartz; and Kathleen Wentrack. 2017. "MOOCs 2.0: Reviewing n.paradoxa's MOOC on Contemporary Art and Feminism." Art History Pedagogy & Practice 2, (2). https://academicworks.cuny.edu/ahpp/vol2/iss2/5
  ‘Postdigital Education, Feminism, Women’ Postdigital Education (Springer) (Jan 2020) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42438-019-00096-1
  see also Edited Special issue of n.paradoxa on Feminist Pedagogies vol 26, July 2010
  Professor Katy Deepwell has 20+ years of lecturing and teaching experience at different art schools and humanities departments in UK and abroad and is open to invitations to teach or guest lecture on any aspect of her work.