2021 | ‘Online Moocs on art and feminism’, AD Magazine (NSEAD), ISSN 2046-3138, Summer 2021, Issue 31. |
2019 | ‘Bisi Silva: a tribute – Passages’ Art Forum online (USA) (Feb 2019) |
2008 | ‘Toward a Consensual Definition of Contemporary Art?’ |
2008 | ‘Art Criticism: A feminist response’ in James Elkins (ed) The State of Art Criticism (Routledge, Cork University Press, 2008) pp.237-241 |
2007 | ‘Monica Sjoo’ catalogue essay in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: 45 years of art and feminism (Bilbao: Museo de Belles Artes, 2007) Curator: Xabier Arakistain pp.72-74 (Spanish), pp.271-272 (English) |
2004 | 'Love and Politics' special edition of Bypusk: Newspaper of the Engaged Creative Platform "Chto Delat?/ What is to Be Done?" (St Petersburg) No. 5. May 2004, produced by Russian collective Chto Delat? (Gluklya/ Tsaplya). |
2002 | ‘Feminine(s). Identity from the perspective of gender’ Introductory text for El Cultural, published with the newspaper El Mundo (Spain). Special issue for PhotoEspaña June 2002 |
2002 | Contributor to Jochen Gerz's online project Anthology of Art Jan. 16 - 31, 2002 on |
2002 | Pipilotti Rist and Dorothy Cross, PADT commissions at the National Theatre’ (London) Public Art Journal (Jan 2002) |
2001 | ‘Pyramids or Pillars’ review of European survey of Women in the Arts TIF: Womens Studies Newsletter Bielefeld University, Dec 2001 |
2001 | ‘Sanja Ivekovic: Personal Cuts’ (Austria) Camera Austria (October 2001) |
2001 | 'Jessica Dismorr' Volume 25 Allegemeines Künstlerlexikon Leipzig: KG Saur Verlag München (2001) Editor: Ina Deicke. |
2001 | Entry on ‘Feminist Art Practice’ for Dale Spender (ed) Encyclopedia of Women’s Studies (New York: Routledge, 2001) |
2001 | Peg Zeglin Brand (ed) Beauty Matters (Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2000.) CAA Journal: online book reviews, Jan 2001 |
1998 | Review of 11th Sydney Biennale 'In the Every Day: Critical and Theoretical Speculations on the 11th Biennale of Sydney' Australia:Sydney: Artspace, 1998. |
1998 | Review of 'Manifesta 2' Contemporary Visual Arts September 1998 |
1998 | 'Negotiating Models of Feminist Research' Art History Vol. 21 No. 3, September 1998 pp.436-440 |
1997 | 'Impliquer les Créateurs dans le circuit traditionnel' (commentary on André Magnin) L'Oeil (Paris) Vol 12,1997 p.68 |
1997 | ‘Cairo Biennale’ Eastern Art Report.Vol IV, No.4. Spring 1997 p.56. |
1996 | P.Adams The Emptiness of the Image: Psychoanalysis and Sexual Difference & Liz Wells Viewfindings: Women Photographers: ‘Landscape’ and Enviroment Women’s Art Magazine April/May 1996 pp 29-30. |
1995 | ‘Elaine Kowalsky’ Women’s Art Magazine No.63 March/April 1995 p.27 |
1994 | ‘John Roberts’ Art has No History’ Women’s Art Magazine No.60 Sept/Oct 1994 pp.30-31 |
1994 | ‘Carol Duncan’s The Aesthetics of Power’ Women’s Art Magazine No.57 March/April 1994 p.28. |
1994 | 'The Menace of the Spoken Word: Ida Applebroog' Women's Art Magazine Jan/Feb 1994 No.56 p.23-24. |
1993 | Obituary: "Sylvia Melland (1906-1993) Women's Art Magazine Nov/Dec 1993 No.55 p.25 |
1993 | N.Broude & M.Garrard’s The Expanding Discourse: Feminist Art History' Women's Art Magazine, Jan/Feb 1993 No. 50 p.31 |
1991 | 'The State of Arts Funding' Art Monthly, Feb 1991 p.30 |
1989 | 'The Nude', Victoria and Albert Museum & 'The Artists Eye: Bridget Riley', National Gallery, WASL Journal, No. 30 Oct/Nov 1989 p.22 |
1989 | 'At Face Value....' Third Eye Centre, Glasgow & 'Marisa Rueda' WASL Journal, No. 29 June/July 1989 p.30 |
1989 | 'Edith Granger-Taylor' Gillian Jason Gallery, WASL Journal, No.28 April/May 1989 p.29 |
1989/1988 | 'Women and the Creative Arts: University of Kent, 15 Oct 1988' WASL Journal, No. 26 Jan 1989/Dec 1988 p.4 |
1988 | 'The Society of Women Artists' Archives' p.4 & 'Vision and Difference' by Griselda Pollock, WASL Journal, No. 25 Oct/Nov 1988 p.40 |
1988 | 'Identity - Further Questions' Tower Hamlets Women's Art Forum Newsletter, Nov 1988 n.pp. |
1988 | 'The 1988 Society of Women Artists exhibition', WASL Journal, No. 24 Aug/Sept 1988 p.24 |
1988 | 'The Missing Culture Conference' (co-written with Pauline Barrie) WASL Journal, |
1988 | Tower Hamlets Women's Art Forum 'Identity' exhibition, Chisenhale Gallery, Bow |
1988 | 'Victorian Women Artists' by Pamela Gerrish Nunn, WASL Journal, No. 22 |
1988 | 'WASL 1988 Diary Exhibition' WASL Journal, No. 21 Feb/March 1988 p.23 |
1985 | 'Eileen Cooper at Blond' Artscribe, No. 52 July 1985 pp.64-6 |
1984 | New Contemporaries (ICA) exhibition catalogue, work/artist's statement, and additional text on art education today. |