Conference Papers/Keynotes
Katy Deepwell

Art Critic, Art Historian. London







September 2024

‘Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms’ Prospectives Symposium 2024, Feminisms, Digital Art and Activisms, part of Digital Art and Activism Network and the Prospectives Symposium (SGSAH International Summer School) Scotland.

September 2024

‘Feminisms, contemporary art and world systems theories’ in ‘Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art’, Middlesex University.
Organised by Katy Deepwell for Create/Feminisms. Middlesex.

September 2023

FLAME, Feminist Legacies in Art Museums in Norway, Trondheim (19-21 Sept)

May 2023

‘Feminist Art Manifestos’ Keynote speech, 18 May, preceding conference, ‘Gender Territories in Contemporary Art’, Arte y Genero, Universidad Malaga. 25-27 May

May 2023

‘What’s a Woman to do?’ Magdalena Abakanowicz 2-day symposium, Tate Modern/Magdalena Abakanowicz Foundation, 12-13 May

May 2023

‘The Social Figure of the Woman Art Critic’ Keynote speech, Bochum University, Germany, 4-5 May

Feb 2023

‘The Art of Punk Orientalism and Feminist Space’, Architectural Association, book launch of Sara Raza’s book The Art of Punk Orientalism, with Aikaterini Gegisian

June-July 2022

Chair and organiser of 4 online research seminars, Middlesex University, on De-/Anti-/Postcolonial Feminisms, with 14 invited international guests

October 2022

Feminist Futures Round-table, alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin, organised by Katerina Koch, in conjunction with Empowerment: Art and Feminism exhibition at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg

June 2022

Monica Sjoo Symposium, Beaconsfield Ltd, London
to coincide with exhibition, Monica Sjoo

Nov 2021

‘Narrating Arts in Feminism and Eastern Europe’ Institute of Art History, Warsaw University, part of the Getty Connecting Art Histories initiative.

Oct 2021

Cambridge School of Art - PGR Forum - Prof Katy Deepwell on Feminist Art and Artivisms - Anglia Ruskin Creative Showcase

September 2021

‘The perversions of feminism(s) in neo-liberal thought and elements of their resistance in feminist artists’ works’  International Congress: A neoliberal counter-revolution? Cultural Imaginaries, Political Subjectivities and New World Order (1979 – 2019). MACBA, Barcelona. Organised by Research projects: ‘MoDe(s). Decentralised Modernity(ies). Art, Politics and Counterculture in the Transatlantic Axis of the Cold War’ and ‘Fossil Aesthetics: A Political Ecology of Art History, Visual Culture and the Cultural Imaginaries of Modernity’ in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône Alpes (LARHRA) of the Université Grenoble Alpes.

September 2021

‘Anti-fascist activities from women artists in the Artists International Association (UK) in the 1930s’ for Women in the Art Scene (1804-1939) Zaragoza Museum, Spain. International conference from research project, ‘Women artists in Spain, 1804-1939’, Universities of Zaragoza, Complutense of Madrid, Valencia, and Seville.

June 2021

‘What is Feminist Research?’ Keynote speaker at Ikergazte, Bilbao.
An inter-disciplinary conference for PhD students and Early Career Researchers in Basque region, Spain.
Profile interview online in Basque.

Feb 2020

‘Jessica Dismorr: Women Artists in/out of Vorticism’ Radical Women: Jessica Dismorr and her Contemporaries
Pallant House, Chichester, UK

Jan 2020

‘Let’s Walk the Walk’, panel discussion, vernissage, Nothing Less!: 100 Years of  Women’s Suffrage, Austrian Cultural Forum, London.

Nov 2019

Keynote speaker at Kjønnsforskning NÅ!Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at UiT Norway’s Arctic University, Tromso, Norway

March 2019

Keynote speaker, Congreso Internacional Géneros y subjetividades en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas –siglos XX y XXI– Comité ejecutivo Proyecto I+D Prácticas de la subjetividad en las artes contemporáneas. Arte y Genero, Universidad Malaga, Spain.

Nov 2018


Oct 2018



‘Feminist Histories, Radical Women’    MASP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

‘Feminist contentions in art criticism: corrections, interrogations and exchanges’ for  ‘Reframing the (Art) World – Commitment, Challenges and Crises of International Art Criticism since 1945 (AICA conference), Universite Rennes 2

Dec 2017

‘Paradoxes of feminism and contemporary art’ in conference 'A Feminist Space at Leeds: 40 years of Griselda Pollock’s teaching'
Leeds University

Dec 2017

A Feminist Perspective on Dmitri Prigov’s Manifesto
Panel discussion at Calvert 22 with Elena Zaytseva, Natalia Mali, and Maria Kapajeva. 

Oct 2017

Keynote speech at Gender and Diversity Symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan. Lectures on n.paradoxa and feminism in contemporary art at Doshisha University and Seiko University, Kyoto

July 2017 

‘Local/Global Dynamics in Feminism and Contemporary Art’ Middlesex University. Keynote and Organiser of international event, celebrating 20 years of n.paradoxa.

June 2017 

‘n.paradoxa’s MOOC: (mass open online course): an intervention in feminist thought and pedagogy on feminism and contemporary art’  Gender and Education conference, Middlesex University.

Nov 2016 

'Women Artists, Feminism and Media: a case study of the new
Tate Modern' GENDER AND DIVERSITY IN THE ART MUSEUM,  seminar arranged by Nettverk for arbeid med likestilling og mangfold i kunstmuseene, Sponsored by Kulturrådet (the Norwegian Arts Council) in Bergen

Oct 2016

talk about Motherhood and art, ProCreate, MotherHouse at Iklectik, London

May 2016

(joint paper with Elina Suoyrjo) 'Womanhouse, Damenbilleder, MFK. Thinking about women artist's spatial projects outside gallery spaces' Centro de Arte Moderna, Fundacio Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon organised by University of Lisbon and AWARE.

June 2016 

'Women artists, “magnificent exceptions”, feminist problems'
Keynote speaker at Art, Gender conference, Association of Art Historians Student Conference, Loughborough University

June 2016 

Keynote speaker at Endarkenment conference, Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh (Organiser: Andrew Patrizio, ECA)

April 2015

‘Why 1989? What Happened to Feminism in Contemporary Art?
Pourquoi 1989? Qu'est-il arrivé au féminisme en art contemporain?’ at the conference: Subjectivités féministes, queer et postcoloniales en art contemporain: une histoire en mouvements, University of Rennes II, 8-10 April

March 2015

‘Misogyny: Witches and Wicked Bodies’ ICA. Speaker and organiser of Create/Feminisms event for Middlesex University with Deanna Petherbridge, Lynn Segal, Alexandra Kokoli and K. Deepwell as speakers.

Aug 2014

‘Women Artists in Britain in the 1970s’ ‘All women art spaces as
heterotopias’ Open panel organized by Agata Jakubowska at the Fourth Biennial Conference of the European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies UTOPIA (University of Helskinki, 29-31 August, 2014)

July 2014

Lecture on ‘Feminism as the Token Lecture’ at Create/Feminisms
cluster MDX conference on Feminist Pedagogy in Art and Design.

Jan 2014

Friday Salon: Being Visible: Feminism, Art & the Internet, ICA, London, (Chair: H. Reckitt).

Oct 2013

Keynote Lecture ‘Feminist practices in Slide/Tape in the 1970s/1980s’ for the ‘Slide/Tape Conference’ Loughborough University. Organiser: Mo White.

Sept 2013

Paper on ‘Bad Girls’ at ‘Good Girls’ Symposium to accompany
exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania.

Sept 2013

Panel discussion More Light on 8th March with Olesya Turkina (Chair), Tania Antoshina, Elena Kovylina, Mila Bredikhina, Umida Akhmedova, 5th Moscow Art Biennale, Manege, Moscow.

June 2013

‘Recognising Dorothy Mead’ Talk at Borough Road Gallery, London on Dorothy Mead

June 2013

Talk with Fiona Rukschcio about her work Retaped Rape,
Austrian Cultural Forum, London.

March 2013

Panel Discussion Africa and Its Diasporas with Sonia Boyce,
Angèle Etoundi Essamba, Nancy Mteki, and Giulia Lamoni, at
Tiwani Contemporary, organised by Tiwani, Christine Eyene.

Feb 2013

Round Table panel discussion with Rosalind Blakesley, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Natalia Glukyla, Natalia Budanova, Julie Solovyeva. Pushkin House at EBRD.

25 Jan 2013

‘Twenty-three Percent’ conference on Sanja Ivekovic, held at RCA, organised by Calvert 22, in collaboration with South London Gallery.

Sept 2012

‘Globalisation and Contemporary Art’, Winchester School of Art, Southampton University.

March 2012

‘Reflective solidarities: “I ask you to stand by me over and against a third”: Feminisms of Multitudes Session, Art Historians Association Conference, Milton Keynes.

June 2011

‘‘Women Artists in and out of Vorticism’ Repositioning Vorticism conference at Tate Britain to accompany exhibition: The Vorticists: Manifesto for a Modern World

March 2011

Discussion with Lynn Hershman Leeson, after screening of her new film on the feminist movement WAR!
at ICA, for ‘Human Rights Watch’ Festival

March 2011

Nancy Spero talk to accompany exhibition at Serpentine Gallery.

Feb 2011

‘What AICA does as an NGO’ paper for panel at College Art Association, New York

July 2010

Art and Feminism course: 3, Centro Cultural MONTEHERMOSO KULTURENEA, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Nov 2009

‘Gender Check: Femininity and Masculinity in Eastern European Art, 1960-present’ MUMOK, Vienna. Panel discussion.

May 2009

‘When is Feminism?: The Case of Sanja Ivekovic’ Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven and BAK, Utrecht.

April 2009

‘Women’s Art as an International Project’ Moscow Museum of
Modern Art and Russian State University for the Humanities.

Dec 2008

VIVA la revolucion’ Centro Cultural MONTEHERMOSO KULTURENEA, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Oct 2008

‘Talking Loud and Saying Something’ ELIA conference. Chair of Panel Discussion on Artistic Research. Transcript of discussion published in Art Monitor, University of Goteborg, Sweden, 2009.

March 2008

‘Geteilte Zeit/Shared Times’ European Academy, Berlin

Feb 2008

‘The Furious Gaze’ Centro Cultural MONTEHERMOSO KULTURENEA, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

August 2007

‘Regendering Documenta’ with Judy Freya Sibayan, documenta 12, Kassel, part of the Magazines Project talks programme.

May 2007

‘Portals of Art History’ Sterling and Francis Clark Art Institute, USA.
Organisers: Michael Ann Holly and Mark Ledbury

April 2007

Keynote Speaker, ‘Repeat, Repeat’ Myriad conference, University of Chester

Feb 2007  

III Encuentros Internacionales de Arte y Genero, Segunde Mesa: Arte y Ciberfeminismo, Seville, Spain (curator: M.Aizpuro)

July 2006

'Diasporic Futures, Women, the Arts and Globalization' Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Organisers: Kingston Univ., Univ. of
Roehampton and Lancaster Univ.

Dec 2005

‘What About Feminism?’ Panel, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Oct 2005

‘Claims for a Feminist Politics in Painting’ Contemporary Painting in Context, Danish Art Academy and Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen.

July 2005

Panel discussion, chaired by Marina Grzinic for Prologue: New Feminism/New Europe Manchester: Cornerhouse. Curators: Kathy Rae Huffman and Marina Grzinic

April 2005

Co-chair of panel with Britta Dwyer 'Women's Contribution to Visual Culture between the Wars, 1918-1939' Association of Art Historians Conference, Bristol.

May 2004

Timeframes in feminist art practices' The Little Garden project workshop, one-day symposium, Vendsyssel Museum of Art, Hjoerring, Denmark.

Feb 2005

Public talks at Museum of Contemporary Art, Kumamoto, Japan as part of two-year international consultancy for museum and Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo.

Oct 2002

'Coming Round the Mountain' panel discussion to accompany exhibition Mons Veneris: Female Geographies Austrian Cultural Forum, London.

March 2002

Speaker/Participant, Manifesta 4, Frankfurt. Curator: Daniel Birnbaum.

Feb 2002

‘Art and Feminism’ panel discussion, ARCO ‘02, Madrid. Chair: Uta Meta Bauer

Sept 2001

‘Cultural knowledge, genealogies and the problem of geo-political location(s) producing ethnocentrism(s) in feminist theory’ - ‘Women Artists: International Comparisons’ Bielefeld University: AG Bildende Kunstlerinnen. Chair: Prof Irene Below.

April 2001

Opening conference of exhibition Sanja Ivekovic: Personal Cuts
Innsbruck: Galerie im Taxipalais. Curator: Silvia Eiblmayr

Oct 2000

‘Parallel and Plural Narratives’ - ‘Public/Private’ international symposium organised by Soros Centre and Pro Helvetia, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Sept 2000

‘Co-operation: international feminist art conference’. Dubrovnik.
Organiser: Sanja Ivekovic.

March 2000

Institute for Visual Arts and Culture, lecture tour to Lagos, Nsukka,and Ahmad Bellu University, Nigeria. Organiser: Bisi Silva.

Feb 2000

Panel participation on 'Feminist Art Criticism', CAA, New York.
Organised by H. Robinson. Published online in n.paradoxa, May 2000.

Sept 1999

Lecture tour to Dubrovnik, Rijeka and Zagreb. (for AICA in Croatia)

June 1999

‘Challenging the indifference to difference: the invention of feminist art criticism’- 'The Invention of Art Criticism' Archives d'Art Contemporain/ University of Rennes 2.

Nov 1998

'Between Conformism and Non-Conformism' Soros Centre,Vilnius,Lithuania.

Sept 1998

'Desire by Design' - AICA 1998 conference: ‘Transition: Changing Society and Art’ Tokyo: AICA, Japan

July 1998

'FACES' conference, Forum Stadtpark, Graz and talk at The Depot, Vienna. (republished in Bastard)

April 1998

Chair : panel 'Cultural Exchange: A Way to Knowledge or Prestige? 'Our Creative Diversity' UNESCO conference, Stockholm.
plus for IASPIS, Sweden, lectures at Art Schools in UMEA, Gothenburg & Konstfack, Stockholm.

April 1998

Guest lecture 'What's Going on in London'
Siksi: Nordic Art Review lecture series with IASPIS, Art Academy Stockholm

Feb. 1998

'Women and New Technology' Women's Caucus in the Arts
WARC conference 'Crossing Borders: Mapping Boundaries', Toronto.

Nov. 1997

Cyber-knitting Event, 'Ostranenie', Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany.

July 1997

‘Transforming Feminism’ conference Lancaster University.

May 1995

'Constructing and Deconstructing the Body: Art and Anatomy 16th-20th Century'
Centre des Pensieres, Annecy, France.

March 1997

‘Women and Art’ conference, CCA Galleries, Glasgow

Dec. 1996

'Internationalism, Context, Attitudes and women artists' ‘The Last Four Years of the 20C’ conference
- 4th international conference of 6th Cairo Biennale. Invited as Guest of Egyptian Ministry of Culture.

Oct. 1996

'Questioning Stereotypes of Feminist Art Practice' Feminist Aesthetics Panel for joint Canadian and American Associations of Aesthetics, Montreal, Canada.
Plus lectures given at University of Western Ontario, London, Canada; Capilano College, Vancouver; Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon;
and University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

April 1996

Paper ‘Feminist readings of Kant. Panel: Beauty and its Shadow’;
Association of Art Historians conference, Newcastle

Feb 1996

‘Exchanging Views from Europe’ Women Caucus in the Arts,
Boston. Organiser of international panel arranged to present the work of women artists’ groups from Britain, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and Ireland to an American audience

July 1995

“On the Question of Paint : Paint-stripping continued...”
Feminist Arts and Histories Network Conference, Leeds University.

Oct 1994

“Hepworth and Her Critics”
Representing Hepworth, Tate Gallery Conference,Liverpool


"Questions for Feminist Art Criticism"
Feminist Art & Histories Network Conference, Leeds University

April 1992

'Women Artists in Britain between the Wars'
Women in Britain,1914-1945 , Sussex University, Women’s Studies.

April 1989

'Landscape and Feminist Art Practices', Association of Art Historians Conference, Institute of Education, London

June 1988

'Women and Art Education', Wakefield Women's Festival, Wakefield

March 1988

'Feminism, Painting and Postmodernism', Torn Halves
Conference, Culture Colloquium, Southampton University